Thursday, December 14, 2017

Another week flew by and Christmas is totally coming up. Nuts. This week was honestly just fallen out appointments and teaching Ameer. He really makes our week a thousand times better. Haha.
One day of this week was way interesting. We had five appointments set up for one day, and they all fell out. Made me be a lot more Stern with the people I contact to make sure they will be home and if they really have interest. We shall see how this goes later. Other than that we have found a couple more people. Just need to see if they have the potential to actually make progress. 
So far this Saturday is three Baptisms, all self referrals and just miracle stories. I am excited for them. 
This next month we have 3 more Baptisms on the way. One including our buddy Ameer and we are so excited for him. He is now living the word of wisdom, and learned the truthfullness of the word if wisdom, because he said as he lived it he feels so much better and has more energy. Another testament that God's commandments is only for our benefit.
We had another lesson with him and he invited his friend with him this time, so at first we were a little nervous. We weren't prepared and usually another Muslim who is there that we didn't know was sure to Bible bash, but that wasn't the case. He was very friendly and speaks fluent English. Didn't ever interrupt our little lesson and his name is also Ameer, so we will call him Ameer number 2. Haha. Ameer 1 invited Ameer 2 to the three Baptisms of our new members as well as the Christmas dinner this Saturday. Hope all goes well there.
Our district leader will be going home this weekend and it was good serving with him. He sold me his watch for a way good bargain. It's one of those 160 dollar watches that connects to the phone and monitors what I do, has weather features on it, just cool stuff on it for forty bucks. And new batteries and tools were included. Sweetness.
Our mission got iPhones and that was nuts. It's way high tech. Samsung A5 and has so many features and capabilities on it. We connect to people through WhatsApp, hear people on the phone actually, and can set Internet Hotspots with the phone. An entirely different world of missionary work. Also for all you missionaries who read this, haha, I knew we were getting iPhones since last transfer. Love the tech elders.
But this transfer is close to an end. Positive I have at least one more here, but as usual, don't know yet. But president practically confirmed I will be staying one more here in our last interview. This next transfer is seven weeks. So this will probably be the longest moment in our mission, but who knows.
Really all about the week. Enjoyed meeting new people. Cool stuff. 
Much love yall. 

Elder Monroe

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Elder Monroe. It was good to read your letter and hear you are doing well. Have a Merry Christmas and stay close to the Lord and let the
    Spirit be your guide.
