Thursday, December 21, 2017

Well I am still here in Saarbrücken. Seven weeks to roll. Anyways we met some interesting guys this week.
We have been focusing our finding on the university campus. I guess it's not illegal to contact there, so we just go there and talk to people. Why not. 9/10 they will stop and have a conversation with you. It's amazing. We just go over there and set up a few appointments and they actually come. Just hope they stay solid.
Anyways! Another guy we met was way interesting. This guy from Iraq lives in this student apartment, and we did a little dooring there. My companion just felt like hitting the top floor, so the first door we knocked on was this guy and all we said is. 
Were talking with people about God... 
Sweet. So we came in and yeah... Talked about God. 
This guy though, is the most emotional guy ever. For example. 
Then you guys knocked on my door... SOB😭
And people experience hard things... But that is okay! SOB.😭
I dunno, he looks like a normal guy but hey. Sweet! This guy is cool. Haha. Right after our fifteen minute lesson he just gave us hugs like we have been friends for eternity.Lol. Who knows. 
Then he said he was a member of the Muslim church and this other weird Islamic church that I never heard of, and he simply denied them right there. Cool, lets baptize the guy.
Ameer is still flipping awesome. He is making lots of friends in the ward so I think it will be an easier transition for him to come into the church. One already flat out told him that they will drive him to church because of bad train connections on Sunday. His name is Timo and we just invite Ameer to come with us for dinner and we play games with each other. Really cool. 
And this guy Bohan who just got baptized here is also making lots of friends and he is one of my favorite guys ever. Just your awesome Chinese guy who is super smart and hilarious. I think when I do have to leave this place it will be hard to go, but we are not thinking about that right now. 
We have lots of Christmas appointments and this is awesome. The members here are starting to like us a bit more. That's always nice.
Well guys. I guess I will see my beautiful family once again this Christmas. I love you guys. Excited to see yall again. 
Much love 
Elder Monroe
Here is our pal Ameer and us at church

And I opened one package. Socks smelled amazing ma. Haha smelled like home. (Don't worry I am waiting for Christmas haha. Elder Taylor won't let me open them. He also says thanks haha.) 

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