Monday, April 30, 2018

Yea yall, so this has been one of the most craziest as effective wise as well as I don't know wise. Like really I don't know. For example...
This week I... 
Have been proposed to. 
Asked on dates. 
Oh yea and of course I got to play for Elder Rasband! That was great! 
Anyways there is this crazy woman around here who found me and asked... 
"what comes after love?"
And I was like I have no idea. Hey do you know where KFC is? 
But then she just flipped out and asked me to marry her and stuff so Elder Golden pulled a quick one and just gave her their card and said phone number and booked it. Haha worst idea ever, because now she calls them like five times a day and asks them for "Monroe" and starts speaking French as to where I am. They blocked her of course but it keeps showing records that she keeps calling. Haha! I'm invincible.🏋
And then one day we were contacting near our apartment and the rain was insane. Like so hard the first five minutes my umbrella exploded and was placed in the trash. The was depressing. She and I went through lots together. :/
But like anyways I was still contacting people and I contacted a girl who actually looked pretty cool! Then I noticed she was sobbing and kinda asked if she needed help. (Elder Hunter was nearby contacting someone else.) she just stood there and honestly just started sobbing even more, so I like tried to help her and asked for the problem. She didn't want to say so I gave her my card with my phone number and said if you need to talk let me know. 
Well two hours later or so she starts texting me. First she apologized about the situation and then we talked to see how we could help. Then she told me how nice I was and how handsome I was and wanted to go out and I was like shoot. So I explained as a missionary I can't really go on dates... So she asked if we could be best friends... So I explained what we do more as missionaries and such and how we don't go the movies for a while and stuff like that until we go home. She didn't understand but was still down for the lessons. Cool. 
Next day was the appointment with her and I was looking for her and thought I saw her. So I smiled and waved... Apparently it was someone different and she smiled and waved back too! Well turns out this lady lived with Mormons for a year in Utah and she loved them so much. She is from Iceland and wants to see the Mormons here and have the lessons. We will see but that kind of blew my mind. Haha
Then we found the real person. Her name is Alva and we had a good lesson. She listened and had great questions. She is currently a progressing investigator and keeps commitments. 
And for the Elder Rasband conference... Well let's just say it was awesome! So much power behind his words. The idea of where our works on the mission, how perhaps we may not see much in the future but the missionaries in the future will benefit from our works, and how much of an effect we have had on the work. We find lots of investigators, but not too many are baptized, so he gave a little pump up speech. 
He also stated that we change our attitude and how effective we are with our testimony of Jesus christ and who he is, and this atmosphere leads to a loving and obedient mission. We are already quite obedient, but now it's time to clean the places where we can do better. True love comes from christ, and when we develop that we can grow a relationship with our investigators and members like no other. 
Oh and then we had stake conference and I met EVERYONE from Duisburg. I missed them so hard. Man and Ali (the guy me and Elder Burch searched a suit and tie and all that jazz for so he could go to church) was there! He goes to church every week, every activity, and is very involved. He just needs to be baptized! For some reason he is too scared to be baptized but also wants to serve a mission as an Arabic speaking missionary and boy, we need them! Man I miss that place. I even got to meet the crazy awesome old guy Bruder Suhl, the guy we would hang out with every Friday and read the scriptures with. 
Everyday now seems to be booked, as we have four appointments a day. These are our normal schedules. So far it's been good and life goes on. 
Much Love

Elder Monroe

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